Resources For Workplaces

Wellness programs in workplaces are essential for encouraging healthier lifestyles among employees, contributing to a healthier community overall. These initiatives typically offer activities and resources focused on enhancing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By promoting a culture of health, organizations can boost employee morale, reduce stress, and increase overall job satisfaction, ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organization.

Why implement wellness into the workplace?

Many health problems were once thought to be unrelated to work, but this is not the case. While some health conditions may not originate from work, they can certainly be influenced by it. Workplace risk factors contribute significantly to numerous health issues faced by community members. These risk factors can lead to conditions such as:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Sleep disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease

Below you can find many helpful resources including workplace toolkits, flyers, fact sheets and web links.

Toolkits for Workplaces

Tobacco-Free Workplaces, Healthier & More Productive

Tobacco-Free Workplaces, Healthier & More Productive

Learn how to make your workplace tobacco-free, with the Tobacco-Free Worksite Toolkit from the Texas Department of State Health Services. If you need assistance with the toolkit, contact us.

Mother-Friendly Worksite Program Policy Development Guide

Mother-Friendly Worksite Program Policy Development Guide

Explains why and how to develop a Mother-Friendly Worksite policy. Includes policy elements, information about laws related to worksite lactation support, a policy template, and sample policies from Texas Mother-Friendly Worksites.​​

Caregiver Support Toolkit for Employers

Caregiver Support Toolkit for Employers

Learn how to make your workplace a supportive space for working caregivers with this Caregiver Support Toolkit. The toolkit offers examples of policies and programs that help support caregivers as they return to the office.

Additional resources include:

IPMAHR Sample Policies for Alternative Work Schedules

Caregiving in TX Community Resource Guide

The Massachusetts Caregiver Employer Toolkit Employee Questionnaires

Caregiver Resource Guide

NC Early Childhood Foundation Sample Policy for Paid Family Leave

Digital Tools and Solutions for Caregivers

Smart Food Choices: How to Implement Food Service Guidelines in Public Facilities​

Smart Food Choices: How to Implement Food Service Guidelines in Public Facilities​

This document is designed to help employers implement food service guidelines and increase the availability of healthier choices at food service venues, including cafeterias, concession stands, snack bars, and vending machines.

Steps to Wellness​: A Guide to Implementing the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans in the workplace

Steps to Wellness​: A Guide to Implementing the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans in the workplace

This resource will show you ways to implement physical activity guidelines and create or strengthen a culture of wellness.

The CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard: An Assessment Tool for Employers to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, & Related Health Conditions

The CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard: An Assessment Tool for Employers to Prevent Heart Disease, Stroke, & Related Health Conditions

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention has created a Worksite Health ScoreCard to help employers assess their health promotion programs, identify gaps, and prioritize high-impact strategies to prevent heart disease, stroke, and related conditions.